Overall inch loss and more contoured physique  

Body Contouring

Prices From £165.00

Embrace a more confident you

The Contouring Treatment

Our team at Enhanced Body Clinic utilises the innovative 3D Ultimate Pro system. This cutting-edge technology, designed by medical experts, offers a comprehensive non-surgical solution for addressing fat reduction, cellulite, and skin tightening concerns.

The Enhanced Body Contouring treatment merges the 3D Ultimate Ultrasound Cavitation and Radiofrequency to effectively eliminate excess fat from specific target areas, achieving desired body sculpting goals.

How does the treatment work

Cavitation uses ultrasound technology and is mainly used as a circumference-reduction treatment. The ultrasound waves disrupt the cell membrane of the fat cell by creating a vibration within the fat layer. The fat cells do not have the capacity to withstand this vibration and very quickly break down, being naturally removed from the body through the lymphatic system.

3D Ultimate pro cavitation handpiece

What areas can I treat?

3D Cavitation is ideal for treatment in localised areas such as

  • Inner and Outer Thighs

  • Abdomen and Love Handles

  • Hips and Bottom

  • Upper arms

A thorough consultation with one of our experienced team is required. During the consultation, we will discuss your medical history and all aspects of the procedure.

highlighted treatment areas on the body


  • All our clients require a thorough consultation before treating.

    3D Cavitation is a painless and non-invasive procedure, with virtually no side effects, it is suitable for most people.

  • You will not require anaesthesia. The most you will feel is a slight tingling or warm sensation on the skin.

  • We always recommend a course of treatments to achieve the very best outcomes. Results can be long-lasting, especially if have a healthy lifestyle

  • This depends on the individual patient and the area(s) being targeted. Many patients see immediate improvements. However, the results often increase over the course of a few weeks as the body starts expelling the broken down fatty tissue.

  • The whole procedure is non-invasive and requires no recovery time. You can easily have the treatment during your lunch break and return to your daily activities. Any slight reddening of the skin will disappear very quickly.

Client Results

Book a Consultation

Unsure of which treatment is right for you? Find your perfect fit, book a consultation with our experts today Get a treatment plan unique to you!